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Publicity of Traditional Karate hot news is an obligation for a karate web site and a right of karate practitioners to be informed.

 The "WKF-Campaign" publication in Facebook
 by George Yerolimpos

(and other informations)





From George Yerolimpos, WKF General Secretary,

to the Treasurer of WKF.



From the President of WKF to all Presidents of the WKF Federations.


From George Yerolimpos, WKF General Secretary, in his Facebook account with the title:  "WKF Campaign".



From George Yerolimpos, WKF General Secretary,

 to all Presidents of the WKF Federations.


The result was the immediate suspension of Yerolimpos from the position of WKF/GS and EKF/GS, the Yerolimpos' appeal to the CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport), the below decision of WKF/EC and the following cancellation of the appeal from Yerolimpos.





12/9/2013 - From Yerolimpos in his Facebook account:



12/9/2013 - From Yerolimpos in his Facebook account:


16/9/2013 - From Yerolimpos in his Facebook account:


12/10/2013 - From Yerolimpos in his Facebook account:




16/10/2013 - From Yerolimpos in his Facebook account:



18/10/2013 - From Yerolimpos in his Facebook account:



1/11/2013 - From Yerolimpos in his Facebook account:



5/11/2013 - From Yerolimpos
in his Facebook account:




5/11/2013 - From Yerolimpos in his Facebook account:




7/11/2013 - From Yerolimpos
in his Facebook account:


8/11/2013 - From Yerolimpos in his Facebook account:

No other news until 30 NOV 2013.

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